There’s been a lot of talk about the occurrence of another Carrington Event, and how it might be much worse if it happened today. The event was caused by a “Coronal Mass Ejection” that took out communications in 1859 America. However, today, not only are we more electricity dependent than ever, in the case of computers, it’s even become an addiction in some cases.
Mother nature does provide a natural defense against the phenomena. Earth’s magnetic field. Although the field does vary in strength by region. Here are the most protected (strongest magnetic field) and the least protected (weakest magnetic field) countries measured in Nanotesla
Most Protected Regions
Canada: 58,000-60,000 Nanotesla
Russia: 50,000-60,000 Nanotesla
Southern New Zealand & Australia: 58,000-60,000 Nanotesla
Least Protected Regions
Southern Brazil: 15,000-25,000 Nanotesla
Uruguay: 20,000 Nanotesla
Paraguay: 22,000 Nanotesla
For any regions not mentioned here is a full map of the geomagnetic bands:
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