Smart Contract Audits


Code Arenacode4rena.comAuditors compete to keep high severity bugs out of production. 
Sherlocksherlock.xyzCombining standard & competition based audits.
Finauditfindaudit.xyzSmart contract audit telegram linking projects with auditors.


Consensys Diligenceconsensys.ioOne of the longest running and most reputable smart contract audit shops connected with Ethereum founders.
OpenZeppelinopenzeppelin.comThese experts in auditing have also built foundational standards and security frameworks for web3 code.
Ackee Blockchain Securityackeeblockchain.comCzech Republic-based audit shop with considerable track record. Should offer better rates but still very high quality audits compared to Consensys or OpenZeppelin. Past clients include 1inch, Trezor and Layer Zero.

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