Techniques to Help LLMs Understand Codebases Better


It’s fair to say that highly coupled code presents a significant challenge for coding LLMs, but it’s not the only problem they face.

Why Highly Coupled Code is Challenging

  • Contextual Understanding: Highly coupled code often relies on intricate relationships and dependencies between different components. LLMs, even with advancements in context window size and retrieval mechanisms, can struggle to maintain a complete understanding of these complex interactions across a large codebase. This can lead to inaccurate code generation or modifications that break existing functionality.
  • Ripple Effects: Changes in one part of highly coupled code can have cascading effects on other seemingly unrelated parts of the system. LLMs may not fully anticipate these ripple effects, leading to unintended consequences or bugs that are difficult to trace back to their source.   1. What is Coupling: Understanding its Concept – Metridev
  • Abstraction and Encapsulation: Well-designed code often employs abstraction and encapsulation to hide implementation details and manage complexity. LLMs may struggle to reason through these abstractions and understand the underlying behavior, hindering their ability to generate or modify code that respects these design principles.

Other Challenges for Coding LLMs

While highly coupled code is a major hurdle, there are other significant challenges that coding LLMs grapple with:

  • Understanding Intent: Accurately interpreting natural language instructions and translating them into correct code implementations can be challenging. Ambiguous or incomplete requirements can lead to inaccurate or inefficient code.
  • Error Handling and Robustness: LLMs may not always generate code that includes comprehensive error handling or gracefully handles unexpected inputs. This can lead to vulnerabilities or crashes in real-world applications.
  • Performance Optimization: Generating code that is both functionally correct and performant can be difficult. LLMs may not always prioritize efficiency or consider trade-offs between different implementation approaches.
  • Security: Ensuring that generated code is free of security vulnerabilities is critical, but LLMs may not always be aware of potential exploits or best practices for secure coding.   1. Is AI-Generated code safe? | SC Media

Expand your perspective to other key weaknesses

Highly coupled code is undoubtedly a significant challenge for coding LLMs, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Addressing these various challenges requires ongoing research and development in areas such as natural language understanding, code representation, reasoning capabilities, and testing and verification techniques. As LLMs continue to evolve, we can expect them to become increasingly adept at handling complex codebases and generating high-quality, reliable code.

Somewhat analogous to adjusting the aperture on a camera. These methods aim to provide the LLM with more relevant context and guide its attention to specific areas of the code, leading to better code understanding and generation. Some of these approaches include:

Interactive Feedback and Refinement: Allowing developers to provide feedback and iteratively refine the LLM’s output can help it learn and adapt to specific code patterns and requirements, improving its understanding over time.

Code Summarization and Documentation: Generating summaries or extracting key information from code documentation can provide the LLM with high-level context about the codebase, helping it grasp the overall structure and purpose.

Code Navigation and Exploration: Tools that allow the LLM to navigate through the codebase, identify dependencies, and explore relationships between different code components can help it understand the broader context and connections within the code.

Attention Mechanisms: Some LLM architectures incorporate attention mechanisms that allow the model to focus on specific parts of the input while generating output. Fine-tuning these attention mechanisms or providing explicit hints can guide the LLM’s focus to relevant code regions.

Code Splitting and Chunking: Breaking down large code files into smaller, more manageable chunks can make it easier for the LLM to process and understand the code, especially if it has limitations on input size or context window.

Code Highlighting and Annotation: Adding annotations or highlighting specific parts of the code can draw the LLM’s attention to important sections or dependencies, ensuring it considers relevant code during generation.

Adjusting Focus

There are tools and techniques that can help adjust an LLM’s focus and improve its understanding of large codebases, somewhat analogous to adjusting the aperture on a camera. These methods aim to provide the LLM with more relevant context and guide its attention to specific areas of the code, leading to better code understanding and generation. Some of these approaches include:

  • Code Summarization and Documentation: Generating summaries or extracting key information from code documentation can provide the LLM with high-level context about the codebase, helping it grasp the overall structure and purpose.
  • Code Navigation and Exploration: Tools that allow the LLM to navigate through the codebase, identify dependencies, and explore relationships between different code components can help it understand the broader context and connections within the code.
  • Attention Mechanisms: Some LLM architectures incorporate attention mechanisms that allow the model to focus on specific parts of the input while generating output. Fine-tuning these attention mechanisms or providing explicit hints can guide the LLM’s focus to relevant code regions.
  • Code Splitting and Chunking: Breaking down large code files into smaller, more manageable chunks can make it easier for the LLM to process and understand the code, especially if it has limitations on input size or context window.
  • Code Highlighting and Annotation: Adding annotations or highlighting specific parts of the code can draw the LLM’s attention to important sections or dependencies, ensuring it considers relevant code during generation.
  • Interactive Feedback and Refinement: Allowing developers to provide feedback and iteratively refine the LLM’s output can help it learn and adapt to specific code patterns and requirements, improving its understanding over time.

More Ways to Assist

1. Scaffold First Approach

  • Start with Structure: Begin by defining the overall structure of your application or module. This includes setting up the file structure, defining main classes or modules, and outlining the basic functions or methods without implementing their logic.
  • Why: This helps in visualizing the entire system’s layout, which can guide the AI in understanding the context of each component.

2. Static Components First

  • Constants, Enums, and Configurations: Define these first as they are typically less dynamic and often used across the codebase.
  • Why: These elements provide context for more dynamic parts of the code. Knowing constants or configuration settings can help in generating more accurate dynamic code.

3. Simple Functions and Methods

  • Implement Basic Utilities: Write or generate simple, standalone functions that perform basic operations like data validation, simple calculations, or data transformations.
  • Why: These functions are usually less coupled and easier to test independently, providing a solid foundation.

4. Data Structures and Models

  • Define Data Models: If applicable, define your data structures or ORM models. These are often static in structure but crucial for understanding data flow.
  • Why: Understanding data models helps in generating code that interacts with data in a meaningful way.

5. External Interfaces

  • APIs, Database Interactions: Set up the interfaces for external systems or databases. This might include API client code or database query structures.
  • Why: These interfaces define how your system interacts with the outside world, which is crucial for integration logic.

6. Business Logic

  • Core Algorithms: Implement or generate the core business logic. This might be where AI generation becomes more complex due to potential coupling.
  • Why: With the foundation laid, the AI can focus on the logic rather than structural concerns.

7. Integration and Coupling

  • Highly Coupled Components: Finally, tackle the parts where different components of your system need to interact. This includes event handling, complex workflows, or any logic that ties multiple parts of your system together.
  • Why: By this stage, most of the system’s pieces are in place, allowing the AI to focus on how these pieces should interact, potentially leveraging more computational power or time for this critical phase.

8. Testing

  • Generate Tests: Ideally, testing frameworks or test cases should be generated or written alongside or after each component.
  • Why: Tests ensure each piece works as expected and can guide further development or AI generation by highlighting where code might be failing.

9. Code Documentation and Comments

  • Inline Documentation: Encourage the generation of comments alongside code. This not only serves as documentation but also as additional context for the LLM to understand the purpose and functionality of each code block.
  • Why: Comments can act as a bridge between natural language instructions and code, helping the LLM to better infer the intent and functionality of code segments.

10. Example-Driven Development

  • Provide Examples: When possible, give the LLM examples of similar functions or modules. This can be particularly useful for complex algorithms or when dealing with specific frameworks or libraries.
  • Why: Examples help in pattern recognition, allowing the LLM to generate code that not only meets functional requirements but also adheres to stylistic or architectural patterns.

11. Iterative Refinement

  • Review and Refactor: After initial generation, have a step where the code is reviewed (either by human or another AI model) and refined. This could involve improving efficiency, readability, or adherence to best practices.
  • Why: This step mimics human coding processes where initial drafts are often revised, helping the LLM to learn from its mistakes or inefficiencies.

12. Contextual Understanding

  • Project Scope Overview: Before diving into code generation, provide a high-level overview of the project’s goals, technologies used, and any specific constraints or requirements.
  • Why: This helps set the stage for all subsequent code generation, ensuring that the LLM has a broad context which can influence more accurate and relevant code generation.

13. Error Handling and Edge Cases

  • Teach Edge Cases: Explicitly instruct or show the LLM how to handle edge cases or errors. This could be through examples or by specifying error handling protocols.
  • Why: Understanding how to manage exceptions or unexpected inputs is crucial for robust code, and LLMs might not naturally prioritize this unless explicitly directed.

14. Code Reuse and Libraries

  • Utilize Existing Libraries: Guide the LLM to use existing libraries or frameworks where appropriate rather than reinventing the wheel. This includes understanding when to use external libraries versus custom code.
  • Why: This promotes efficiency and adherence to industry standards, reducing the likelihood of bugs or inefficiencies.

15. Feedback Mechanism

  • Dynamic Feedback: Implement a system where feedback from code execution or testing can be fed back into the LLM’s learning process. This could be automated testing results or human feedback.
  • Why: Continuous feedback helps in fine-tuning the model’s understanding over time, adapting to new patterns or changes in technology.

Implementation Considerations:

Human-AI Collaboration: Consider workflows where humans and AI collaborate, with AI handling initial drafts or boilerplate code, and humans providing oversight, creativity, or handling complex logic.

Training Data: Ensure the training data for the LLM includes a diverse set of coding styles, languages, and project types. This diversity helps in generalizing the model’s understanding across different scenarios.

Evaluation Metrics: Develop or use metrics that not only check for functional correctness but also for code quality, maintainability, and efficiency. This could guide the LLM towards generating higher quality code.


prompts designed to guide a coding LLM in a way that reduces errors and enhances its understanding of code, especially in complex or highly coupled scenarios:

1. Understanding Context and Dependencies

  • Prompt: “Before you write any code, describe the dependencies and interactions this function will have with other parts of the system. What external libraries or modules does it rely on?”

2. Clarifying Intent

  • Prompt: “Explain in detail what this function should achieve. Include any edge cases or specific requirements that must be met. What are the expected inputs and outputs?”

3. Step-by-Step Implementation

  • Prompt: “Break down the implementation into steps. For each step, explain why it’s necessary and how it fits into the overall function.”

4. Error Handling

  • Prompt: “List all possible errors that could occur during the execution of this code. For each error, describe how you would handle it and why that approach is chosen.”

5. Performance Considerations

  • Prompt: “Discuss any performance implications of your code. Are there any optimizations you could implement? Consider time complexity and memory usage.”

6. Security Considerations

  • Prompt: “Identify potential security vulnerabilities in this code. How would you mitigate these risks? Consider input validation, data sanitization, and access controls.”

7. Code Review and Refinement

  • Prompt: “After writing the initial code, review it. What improvements could be made for readability, maintainability, or efficiency? Refactor the code accordingly.”

8. Documentation

  • Prompt: “Write comprehensive comments and docstrings for this code. Explain why each major section or function exists and how it should be used.”

9. Testing

  • Prompt: “Generate unit tests for this code. What scenarios should these tests cover? Include edge cases and typical use cases.”

10. Code Structure

  • Prompt: “Before writing the code, outline the structure. What classes, functions, or modules will you need? How will they interact?”

11. Feedback Loop

  • Prompt: “If this code were to be used in a real-world scenario, what kind of feedback would you expect from users or other developers? How would you incorporate this feedback into future iterations?”

12. Example-Driven Development

  • Prompt: “Provide an example of how this function would be used in a larger context. Write a small script or snippet that demonstrates its integration into a broader system.”

13. Abstraction and Encapsulation

  • Prompt: “Explain how you would abstract or encapsulate parts of this code to reduce coupling. What interfaces or abstract classes would you define?”

14. Reusability

  • Prompt: “How can this code be made more reusable? Are there parts that could be generalized into utility functions or classes?”

15. Versioning and Backward Compatibility

  • Prompt: “If this code were part of a library, how would you ensure backward compatibility in future versions? Discuss versioning strategies.”

16. Code Smells

  • Prompt: “Look at the code you’ve written. Identify any ‘code smells’ or potential anti-patterns. How would you address these?”

17. Real-World Application

  • Prompt: “Describe a real-world scenario where this code would be particularly useful. How would it solve a specific problem or improve a system?”

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